Tuesday, September 8, 2020


                                                           Jackson's Mill with the covered bridge in the background.

                                                                                                       BRUSH CREEK
                                                                                                   BEDFORD COUNTY
                                                                                                         BUILT - 1889

Length - 96'..(total with pony trusses - 149').. SW of Breezewood, East Providence Township. SR2029 (S Breezewood Rd.) S. 0.5 miles from jct with US30 in Breezewood, E. on SR2009 (E Mattie Rd.) 1.5 miles, S. on Jackson Mill Rd. 0.8 miles, S. on Covered Bridge Rd. 150' to the bridge. Originally in 1875, the bridge was comprised of spans of uncovered Kingpost. After the Johnstown Flood of 1889, they restored the washed out bridge and added one covered span. Rehabilitated in 1986 and 1992. Posted to the National Register of Historic Places on April 10, 1980. Open to through traffic. Truss Type -  Covered Burr Arch Through Truss Bridge with two uncovered Kingpost pony trusses.
World Guide to Covered Bridge Number - 38-05-25

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