Wednesday, September 2, 2020


                                                                                                           SALT CREEK
                                                                                                     FRANKLIN COUNTY
                                                                                                            BUILT - 1887

Length - 102' .... W. of Oldenburg, Ray Township. Hamburg Rd. (CR600S) W. 2.8 miles from jct with IN229 in Oldenburg, S. on 3 mile road 0.5 miles, W. on CR650S 1.1 miles, SW on Enochsburg Rd. 0.2 miles to the bridge. Built by the Smith Bridge Company. Rehabilitated in 2009. Posted to the National Register of Historic Places on March 20, 2002. Truss Type - Covered Howe Through Truss.
World Guide to Covered Bridge Number - 14-24-05

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