BUILT - 1878
Length - 88' ... NNE of Goodville, Caernnarvon Township. SR1021 N. 0.9 miles from jct with PA23 in Goodville, E. on Weaverland Rd. 1.0 miles to the bridge. Built by B.J. Carter (structure) , and J.F. Stauffer (masonry), at a cost of $1468.06. Named for Isaac Weaver who purchased the adjacent mill property in 1860. Weaver was a miller for many years and raised 11 children near this bridge. Isaac willed the mill to his son, Isaac W. Weaver in 1892 who owned it till 1908. The bridge was posted to the National Register of Historic Places on December 11, 1980. Open to through traffic. Truss Type - Covered Single Span, Double Burr Arch with the addition of steel hanger rods.
World Guide to Covered Bridge Number - 38-36-02
GPS +40.14125, 75.99785