BUILT - 1849*
Length - 89' ... SSW of Akron. PA272 SW 3.0 miles from jct with Main St. in Akron, N. on Rose Hill Rd. 0.5 miles, W. on Log Cabin Rd. 0.05 miles to the bridge. Built by Henry Zook at a cost of $690. *Although this bridge is one of the county's earliest surviving covered bridges, it lacks the hand-hewn timbers and hardware that might be expected of a bridge built in 1849. Records show that it was repaired many times, including substantial work done by Elias McMellen, a well know bridge builder, at a cost of $930 in 1892. Posted to the National Register of Historic Places on December 11, 1980. Open to through traffic. Truss Type - Single Span, Double Burr Arch with the addition of steel hanger rods.
World Guide to Covered Bridge Number - 38-36-14
GPS +40.13017, -76.23183